Dream and Promise Act of 2021

The Dream and Promise Act of 2021 (“Act”), introduced and passed in the U.S. House of Representatives will finally legalize many individuals in the United States with a pathway to become a legal permanent resident.  Those without status, those with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS), will be eligible.  The Act would create “conditional permanent resident” status valid for up to 10 years that would protect DACA recipients from deportation, allow them to work legally in the U.S., and permit them to travel outside the country.  Similar to DACA, those who apply for the new Act will have to meet specific standards and show that they came to the U.S. before the age of 18, lived in the U.S. continuously before January 1, 2021; pass a background check, have no serious criminal history, and demonstrate that they have earned a HS diploma or equivalent. The Act has not yet passed by the U.S. Senate and is not law as of today’s date. Having with worked with thousands of immigrants, living and working in the United States, we at Contreras & Metelska, PA are hopeful that change is near.